Friday, November 11, 2016

What will I tell my kids after the 2016 election?

FYI- long post but wanted to share what was on my heart. This post would be the same no matter who won the presidency! Feel free to share if you agree.

I've seen a lot "What will I tell my kids?" "This is the worst night for our family." "Just let me be upset and fearful." Lots of protesting and really hurtful things happening.

Here's what I will tell my kids. Sometimes things may happen that we don't like or agree with. It is how we handle ourselves in those situations that show true character. Character is not based solely on if things go how we want them to. It's based on our reaction when things don't. It's how we handle ourselves in that situation that shows who we really are at our core.
I'll tell my kids that the Lord commands us to respect those in power over us. While I may not agree, or even like, what our leader(s) may do/say, I will respect them. Instead of talking ugly about them and bringing up all the bad things they have done (because honestly, who has a perfect track record and has never said/done something idiotic or stupid in the last 20 years), I will pray for them instead. I will choose to speak kindly of them or not speak of them at all. Because that's the kind of person I want my children to be. Because my kids need to see my actions reflect my speech. Because my kids will act how I act. Because neither Obama, Trump, or Hillary are raising my children. I AM! They will grow up with habits that I instilled in them.

I WILL NOT instill in them fear, anger, aggression, violence, etc. when things don't turn out like I feel they should have. While I may fear things of this world and leaders, my trust does not come in those leaders. The best thing I can do is pray for the Lord's wisdom to come upon those leaders. I WILL teach them love, respect, trust in the Lord, and adaptability. Because in life, you have to be able to adapt. Life isn't perfect. And we can't throw a fit every time something doesn't go our way if we want to be respected Americans and adults.

So what will I tell my children about this election and our new president? Donald Trump is our new president. Because he is in charge, we will be respectful towards him. We may not agree with things he will do in his presidency, but we won't talk ugly about him. We will learn to control our tongue. We will instead pray for him and the all the leaders of our country, like we should be doing anyway. Because if I can't (or don't) do this, my children won't either. 

 I don't plan on telling my children who I voted for or if I "like" Donald Trump. Because frankly, my actions should show that of a mature adult respecting those who have been in put place of authority over me. Whether I like them or not. My children should not even question it. If you don't respect authority, don't expect your kids to (including yourself).
I'll tell my kids that they can do anything and be anyone you want/choose to be. Yes a woman ran for president, and yes she lost. But that doesn't mean you don't try. And I will show them that even in the face of defeat, we can be gracious to each other. (Both Hillary and Obama's speech were very gracious!) I will tell them to be anyone they want to be. As long as they are respectful, loyal, adaptable, forgiving adults, the truth is, they can be anything they want to be. No president can teach the kinds of lessons I can teach in the home, as a parent. If I want my children to become respectable adults, that's on me! That starts in my home.

Parents, don't take your role lightly or think your actions won't matter. They do! It starts with us! Our responsibility to this next generation is huge! Let's step up, and be the kind of people our wonderful parents and their generation raised us to be!
So don't fear! Don't afraid of Donald Trump and what he "might" do. Pray for him. Pray for those around him. Because ultimately, that's all we can do. And it's the most powerful thing we can do. Be an example for the young ones around you in and outside of the home. Love each other!!! I will choose to see the good in a person rather than point out all the flaws. Because guess what, I'm flawed too! Put your trust in the One who already knew the outcome before it even happened. Put your trust in the One who holds our future in His hands. That fact alone should allow us not to worry or fear of any leader who may ever come our way, now or ever!

When hardships of any kind come your way, don't cower in fear. "....practice justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord." (Micah 6:8)

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

5 Daily Must-Do's

Every day life can be crazy right? Whether it is filling sippy cups, car pooling, working a job, you name it! There are 5 things we try to do daily with our kids to ensure quality time!

1. Have dinner together.
This doesn't mean you have to cook every night. Even if you go by a fast food restaurant, try to ensure that you eat together. Having a meal together can foster some of the best conversations. (If dinner doesn't work, try breakfast!)
Enjoying a lunch together

2. Put your phones away.
Your children need to see that you don't have to have a phone in front of your face to have fun. They also need to see that you have fun with just them, not them while looking at Facebook. One night I watched to see how many times my kids looked at me while they played. 25 times within 10 minutes! They want to see that I am involved with them, not my phone!

3. Ask your kids the best thing about their day and the worst thing about their day.
This shows them you care about their lives: the good, the bad, and the ugly. You want to know what is going on that is great and not so great! This greats trust and security in your home. Also share yours!

4. Do something fun together as often as you can.
Every day doesn't warrant the ability to go out and do something fun with busy schedules. However, when you can, I suggest you do. This could be a family bike ride/walk, a trip to get ice cream, a family game at home, a movie night, etc. This also shows your kids that you care about them and want to be involved in their life. Building in one designated night to do this really helps accomplish this goal! Plus, it makes a lot of awesome memories!

Our recent trip to the zoo! I mean, how cute are they? :)

5. Tell them you love them daily.
Yes, this may seem redundant, but for children it is necessary. Kids need to hear you love them daily. They need to hear your affeciton for them and that you are on their side. Yes, they will mess up and you will all get frustrated. But before they close their eyes every night, tell them you love them. I promise you won't regret it!

Me and my babies on Easter this year!

Until next time, 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Because I Am That Mom Too

Dear Working Mom,

I see you as you wipe crusties from your eye when you get up earlier than your family.
So you can get yourself ready before getting everyone else ready.
Because I am that mom too.

I see you as you rush to get kids in the kitchen to eat breakfast.
Juggling a spoon and feeding your child in one hand and a holding a knife cutting strawberries in the other hand to make your kids lunches.
Because I am that mom too.

I see you as you throw the dishes in the sink.
Not an extra second to put them in the dishwasher.
So, hesitantly, you leave a sink full of dishes to return to later.
Because I am that mom too.

I see you as you run around like a crazy woman looking for that missing sock for your child.
Brushing teeth.
Combing hair.
Wiping snot. 
Putting on shoes.
Cherishing the 30 minutes you have with them while you get them ready.
Running out the door to make it on time.
Because I am that mom too.

I see you as you drop your children off at their location and wipe a tear away as you leave them.
I see you tell yourself over and over:
"It is okay that I have to go to work."
"I'm not a bad mommy for leaving my child."
"They are in good hands."
Trying to make the guilt flee.
Because I am that mom too.

I see you busy at work all day trying to get everything accomplished so you can get home ASAP. 
As you pass the picture of your kids at your desk -you just smile.
You whisper a prayer for your babies.
That they know you love them.
That they are safe.
That they are loved.
Because I am that mom too.

I see you walk in the door so excited to see your kids and welcome them as they run into your arms.
You give a million kisses and a million hugs in a matter of minutes.
Because I am that mom too.

I see you wanting nothing more to play with your kids.
But you're so drained from work.
You just want to sit a minute in the quiet.
But you feel guilty because you have been gone all day.
So you pick yourself up and fight through it so you can give your all to your kids now.
Because I am that mom too.

I see you making dinner.
Watching your kids laugh and play and smiling because you remember how blessed you are.
I see your body exhausted but you accomplish what needs to be done anyway.
Because I am that mom too.

I see you as you tenderly play with your kids and love on them.
Playing chase, hide-and-seek, and baby dolls.
Building tents, teaching them to ride a bike, and playing dinosaurs.
I see the way your kids look up and smile at you.
Because they adore you, and they love you.
No matter what.
And they are thankful for the time they DO get with you.
Because I am that mom too.

I see you getting your kids ready for bed time.
Baths, stories, milk, and cuddles.
Times to be cherished and never replaced.
Because I am that mom too.

I see you doing the dishes.
Extra work you brought home.
All the things you didn't get done while your kids were awake so you could spend time with them.
Because I am that mom too.

I see you crawl into bed.
Ready to sleep, so you can do it all again the next day.
Because I am that mom too.

I see you working mom.
It is hard.
It is draining.
But it is worth it.
Keep pushing hard.
You are doing a good job!!!
You are a good mom, don't let anyone tell you differently.
You're setting a good example.
They see good work ethic and good family values.
Our kids and families need us, but they understand too.
We're in this together!
Give yourself some grace.
I have to remind myself of that.
Because I am that mom too.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Signs of Common Illnesses in Babies

One of the hardest things when becoming a mother is learning signs of when your baby is sick. All they do is eat, cry, and sleep. They cannot tell you if something is hurting or if something isn't right. Here are a few of the most common illnesses for little ones and the signs, symptoms, and treatment for them.

1. Ear Infection: Brody had his first ear infection at 3. Payton had hers at 6 months old and had four ear infections in four months. Needless to say, I got good at diagnosing these!

Signs and symptoms:
1. Your baby pulls or tugs at their ear. (Payton hardly ever does this, but I hear lots of babies do!)

2. Fever
3. Reduced appetite (The same bug that causes these can also cause an upset tummy.)
4. Along with #4, pulling away while eating.
5. Draining from the ear
6. Trouble sleeping (This is Payton's major sign!)

Below is a picture (from google) that shows a child with drainage from an ear infection.

What to do:
Take your baby to the doctor if you think they may have an ear infection. Ear infections need antibiotics and can get worse, even rupture an ear drum. Most antibiotics treatments are for 10 days.

2. Croup
 Croup is a very common illness with little ones. Especially in cold months and especially if they attend day care or school. Croup happens more in children (peak age of 18-24 months) because they have smaller airways. It is a virus and so the actual croup is not treated. However, steroids are often given to help with the inflammation of the airway. This usually last 3-4 days.

Signs and symptoms:
1. "Barky" cough. This is the best way to diagnose croup. Brody had this a lot from about 8 - 15 months of age. The cough is very distinguished. You can go on YouTube and search for "Croup Cough" and hear what it sounds like. Here is an example.
2. The cough usually appears at night time. A doctors appointment can usually wait until the next day unless the child is having trouble breathing. If that is the case, call 911 or go straight to the ER.
3. Fever can be accompanied with this as well as a hoarse voice.

What to do:
Make an appointment with your child's pediatrician as soon as you can so it does not worsen unless they are having trouble breathing. If that is the case, call 911 or go to the ER.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
This virus usually appears between 4-6 days after exposure. The symptoms are usually "cold-like" symptoms but could be worse. This is a virus and cannot be treated with medicine for the actual virus.

Mild signs and symptoms:
*Runny nose
*Dry cough
*Low fever

Severe signs and symptoms:
*Severe cough
*Rapid/difficulty breathing
*Bluish color

What to do:
Make an appointment with your doctor when signs appear. If your child is having trouble breathing, call 911 or go to the ER immediately. In some cases, children need oxygen and a hospital stay to get breathing and airways under control. In mild cases, children can recover within a few days to weeks with Tylenol to help them be comfortable.

If your child is under 3 months of age, call your doctor immediately if they have a temperature of 100.4 or greater. (Rectal temperatures this young are very accurate.)

If they are over 3 months, call your doctor and watch your child and assess them, as long as their fever is below 104. Always trust your intuition. If you think your child needs to be seen, take them. Its always better to be safe.

If their fever is 104 or greater, call your doctor immediately to see what steps need to be taken.

Hope this helps with common illnesses little ones face. Until next time!

**I am not a medical doctor or nurse and have zero medical background. Please see a certified medical physician/professional  if you are concerned with the health of your child in any way. I am just a mommy blogging from my own experience. Do not take my advice or information over your medical professionals or medical recommendations. Always use the advice, diagnosis, and treatment of your medical professionals over mine.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Letter to My Future Daughter-In-Law

To my future daughter-in-law,

Hello sweet girl! I do not know who you are as I write this. I imagine we won't be meeting for quite some time. Your husband is only 3 years old right now. He is imaginative, outgoing, fun, silly, just like his daddy, and one HANDSOME boy! As I am sure you agree! :)

It is crazy to think about who you are! I have no idea. I have no idea if you are even born yet. Maybe you are and your mommy is holding you as we speak. Maybe you are a little older and a little toddler running around with siblings. I have no idea. But I do know this. I have prayed for you every day since the day Brody was born. I have prayed for him to be a man of God made just for you. I have prayed that you would find each other and you would fit together like puzzle pieces. I have prayed that you would be his and he would be yours.

Your husband and I had a great pregnancy. He was so easy!!! No sickness or issues during pregnancy until about 33 weeks. I began having low fluid. I had to drink tons and tons of water! As if being 33 weeks pregnant didn't send me to bathroom enough, then add 150 ounces of water a day. I lived in the bathroom. But it was worth it to help my baby boy. At 38 weeks I went in for a routine checkup and my fluid was at a dangerous level of 4. So, I got induced starting at midnight that night! At 7 am we started Pitocin. He was a little stubborn and gave me a 14 hour labor, but came with only 15 minutes of pushing at 8:51 pm on 9-9-11. Brody Scott Webster was born. It was love at first sight. He was 6 lbs 9 oz and 18 1/2 inches long of sweet goodness. Small baby - but his mommy and daddy aren't big themselves! About 20 minutes after Brody was born, Aaron and I prayed over him. We prayed that he would be a man of God. That he would love others and put others before himself. That he would be a good friend and share Jesus' light to all he met. We prayed (and still do every day) that he would find the love of the Lord early and commit all his days to serving him. And we prayed for you. We prayed you would find each other and have an everlasting love. That you would adore each other and have God as the center of your relationship.
The night before Brody was born

Brody at 27 weeks

Brody was such an easy baby! He slept well, ate well, transitioned well. He was a very stoic baby. I don't think we heard him laugh out loud until he was nearly 7 months old. He would laugh but stick his hands in his mouth and not let us hear! Drove this mama crazy!!! I just wanted to hear that sweet laugh!

Brody at 27 weeks with precious little cheeks!
Brody is such a fun little boy! He has a sense of humor. That kid says the funniest things! He can melt my heart in an instant. He usually runs out to my car before I have time to park it when I get home. I secretly watch for the door handle to turn because I can't wait for his excitement to run to me and see me. Then he "helps" me park the car. Those hugs of his - pure goodness! The other night he wrapped both arms around his daddy and I and said "I love you guys!" He has defiantly stolen our hearts, as I am sure he has done to you as well! You are now under the Brody curse! :) He is has his quirks too! He hates water on his head and his hands dirty. He is very independent and likes to do things on HIS terms!

He loves his sister to death. I pray they grow up to be best friends. I hope that you and Payton have a strong bond and relationship. You need to love each other and support each other. She is not trying to replace you and you don't need to try to fill her shoes. Y'all both have special places in Brody's heart and you have very different places in Brody's heart.

The boy can dance! His daddy can dance too, me, not so much! Hopefully y'all can have some fun times tearing up the dance floor and having some fun! He talks up a storm and is very curious. He also loves all of his family so much! Cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents. We pray that never changes. He is also very stubborn. I am sure this is no news to you by now! Just try to be patient and work with him. He will budge eventually!

There are some things I want you to know. Some things you need to know before you marry my little boy!

1. I want you to know that I am on your side. I don't want you to be nervous about your "dreaded" in-laws. I remember the first time I met my in-laws. We pulled up to their house and I was a ball of nerves. Would they like me? Would I be good enough for their boy? Will we get along? So on and so on. I have been there sweet girl. I get it! Relax. It will be okay! We have prayed many years over Brody for a strong and discerning heart after Jesus. We trust the Lord and we trust Brody. We trust that Brody has prayed over your relationship and we trust that he is making a wise decision. If Brody feels like you are the one for him, we will welcome you with open arms and open hearts. We will treat you as if you were our own daughter.

2. I loved him first and I was his first love.
I am sure you have heard this by parents before. They loved there child first. It's true. I have loved Brody since the day I found out I was pregnant on January 4, 2011. It was instant love. My love for him has only grown since then. It is a fierce love. A love that absolutely nothing in this world could ever break. A love that cannot be replaced. It is only a love that a mother can have. I hope you get to experience it one day - I want some grand babies!! :) I was also his first love. I was the one who saw his first smile and his first laugh. I was the only who picked him up when he got hurt and kissed all of his "boo boo's". I was the one who cleaned up his vomit when he was sick. I was the one he called out for in the middle of night to come to his rescue. I was the one who cuddled him while we watched "Pooper (Super) Mickey" a million times. I am the one who taught him to dress himself and pee pee in the toilet with good aim (you will thank me one day!) His daddy was the first one to teach him how to play sports and we were the ones who watched him play his first sports game and fail. And then who picked him back up and told him to try again. And then saw him succeed. I was the first one who held him after his first broken heart. I taught him how to get over that silly girl and realize how valuable of a young man he is! I watched him drive away in a car for the first time. I was the first one who told him about Jesus and tried to show him how to live. I taught him about money, and relationships, and all the "tough" stuff. I am preparing him to be a husband, for you! I was the one who dropped him off in his college dorm and then was a blubbering mess the whole way home (yes, I know, he is only 3 but I know how I will be that day! I cry when I leave him for 24 hours, let alone college!)

But you need to know something else. YOU are his love now. Yes, I was his first. And that cannot be replaced nor should it be. But you are his now. It's your turn. It is your turn to pick him up when he is down. It is your turn to mend him back to health when he is sick. It is your turn to watch him fail and pick him back up. It is your turn to encourage him to try again and be successful. It is your turn to discover how to handle finances as a married couple and how to make life work on your own. It is your turn to mend his heart when it is broken by circumstances that life throws your way. It is your turn to help him become a man among men, a man after God's heart, a man that loves his wife and children, and a man who we would be and are both proud of. It isn't easy for me to let you have this spot. See I have had it for many, many years. But I am trusting you with this very important position.

Those eyes would melt anyone!

3. I'm cheering you on!
As the day draws near that you will meet me and my husband, your future in-law's, you will be nervous. You will want to make sure you impress us and that you say the right things. You will want us to like you. You will want to make sure your outfit is just right and that you look pretty when you meet us! I know because I have been there. Don't be nervous! I am excited to meet you! I cannot wait to get to know you and learn more about you. I cannot wait to see yours and Brody's relationship grow and mature. I cannot wait for the day you tell us "We're pregnant!" and the day I get to meet my grand baby. Aaron and I will be your biggest fans! We will support you and love you. We pray for you every day and will continue that! We aren't here to judge or make you feel like you aren't a "part" of our family. You are a very important part of our family!! Your place can never be filled by anyone but you!! We want your relationship to be good and whole and we want to see you and Brody be happy!! We love you and we're here for you. Don't be nervous, you are our new daughter and we couldn't be more thrilled.

You are so important to my son! You are his missing puzzle piece! I won't say you make him whole because the Lord makes us whole. He is his own person and you are yours. You should not complete each other but rather the Lord should complete you. However, you will be what makes his heart skip a beat. You will be the one to cheer him on, to lift him up, to be his "other half". You will be the one that he swells with pride at when you are walking hand in hand into a room. You will be the one who sees him at his worst and at his best and will love him anyway. You will be the one who has to show mercy to him when you get into a fight. On the flip side, he should be your missing puzzle piece. The one you run to when things don't go right. The one who dries your tears, who holds you when you need to be held, who laughs with you, who is your biggest fan, and who stands by you and leads you through all of lifes experiences.

I don't know what this life will bring your way. I have no idea what God has in store for the two of you. I do know that if you trust him and follow Him, you can't go wrong. He will guide you, love you, protect you, and be there every step of the way. You just have to let Him. Keep Him at the center of your marriage and He will bless your marriage in ways you never knew possible.

You will be the first person that he sees when he wakes up and he will be the first person you see. You will make each other laugh, smile, mad, and all the many emotions in between. You will make each other a better person because you had the other one in your life. You will understand what true love means and understand that you can love someone more than you love yourself. You will (hopefully if you decide to have kids :))be the first ones to hold a precious new life when you welcome new ones into this world. If you have children, you will raise them together. You will experience exhaustion together, hurts together, struggle through this thing called parenting together, and watch your little ones grow up just like I am doing with Brody. It won't always be easy, but it will always be worth it.

I hope on my death bed (hopefully a long, long ways away from now), that my sweet Brody is standing next to me. I hope that as I drift from this life into the next my sweet boy will be there, still holding my hand. I hope that he will have fond memories of his past. I hope memories of him and I will bring floods of happiness and joy. I know it does for me. I hope he remembers the times we played ball, and cars, and hide-and-seek a million times, and watched videos, and cooked together, and painted together. I hope he remembers me at everything he did in the stands supporting him. I hope he remembers that I always loved him and supported him no matter what. I hope that he remembers that I was always his number one fan. I hope he remembers the lessons I taught him on how to be a gentleman and to treat women. I hope he remembers to respect you and cherish you because he saw his father do that for me. Then, I hope he also realizes that all those memories belong to me, yet all of the new and incredible memories belong to you, his beloved wife.

See, we don't have to try and fight to find our place with Brody. We both have very special, unique places. Places that the other one could never fill. We are both so important to him in so many different ways. You get the honor of being his the love of his life now. Cherish it. You are his best friend, his lover, his supporter, his wife. No one could ever take your place, nor should they. You are his supporter. Let him lead your family. Pray over him and guidance for him as he leads you and guides you. Support him.

As we wait many years to meet you, know that even from right now Aaron and I are praying for you. There are days I am playing with my sweet boy and I think about the woman he will marry. I wonder about you and wonder who you are, what you will look like. I wonder what your interest will be and pray that not only you have a good relationship with our sweet boy, but with Aaron, me, and Payton as well.

You now have my whole world in the palm of your hands. Take care of him. Love him, support him. It's not my job anymore, but yours. It a sacred job that I don't give to just anyone. Please cherish your new job and love him with every breathe and ounce of your being. He's been loved that way his whole life and knows nothing else. Be each other's best friend and each others priority. Be what only you can be to our sweet boy.
Here is our family picture from September 2014. One day, it will have you in it as well. When you are added in it, you will be our new daughter!

I cannot wait for this new chapter!! Welcome to our family sweet new daughter of mine! I love you.

Karlee - Your Future Mother-In-Law

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Marriage and Little Ones

Maintaining a healthy marriage and little ones, or any kids, for that matter can by trickey. Many times our children take over our lives. That is not necessarily a bad thing, unless we put them above everything else!

That is a crazy last sentence right?! Don't put your kids above everything else. Please keep reading!
Many times, especially new parents, tend to have a baby and that baby becomes the center of everything they do. Which, is not bad, especially at first. This whole baby thing is a hard thing to adjust to! You go from doing anything you want anytime you want to do it, sleeping all night with no interruptions, minimal doctor appointments for most, and using your money on whatever you want to doing hardly any of that! Your money now has to be spent on things like baby clothes, baby supplies, diapers, child care for some, finding babysitters and time to go out, up multiple times a night for months on end, many doctors appointment, and their well being at the forefront of your mind. Your life totally changes, yet in a good way!

After you get the whole parenting thing somewhat down, it is important to take time away from your kids. It is important to nurture your marriage. Don't forget about your spouse! After all, you were married before you had children. You have a partner in crime to do life with and you need that relationship strong. You need to be able to look at each other and know exactly what the other is thinking because your kid is screaming so loud that you cannot hear each other talk. You need to be able to play tag team and help the other out when they are tired and cannot go on anymore. You need to be able to endure the days your spouse is short with you and just plain grumpy because they are tired from endless nights of little sleep and long days at work or with kids.

You see, if you don't nuture your marriage, these things can crumble your marriage to a million pieces. You will no longer view your spouse as your rock and your helper but just someone who doesn't have a clue on how to do anything right with your children. You will see your spouse as selfish and rude when they have bad days instead of offering grace and taking over for them. You will see them as an inadequate spouse and parent because you have only nutured your relationship with your children. Your children will notice too. Their home will not be a happy safe place, but a place of discord.

Don't schedule your life around your child. Let them learn to be flexible. Even at an early age! Believe it or not, it equips them for the future to be flexible! Yes even when they are little! If you run your life around your child, they will grow up to be entitled. They will think that everything revolves around them and should be done according to their wants and needs. After all, it has been that way their entire life. They will not be able to witness what a healthy marriage looks like in good times and in bad. It is okay for them to learn some life lessons and to not have everything their way every time they want it to. They may be upset, but they will be okay. After all, not everything life goes how we want it to. Teach them how to deal with things when they don't go their way. They need to know!

Please don't read something I am not writing. Yes, you need to take your children's needs into account and supply those needs. You need to think about their health and happiness and make sure that those are taken care of. You need to make sure that they are safe and loved. You need to support them and uplift them and look out for their best interest. You need to fight for them and stand up for them when no one else won't. But, you can do all these things without revolving the entire universe around them.

Some important things to do:
1) Still kiss your husband or wife when you get home.
2) Hug them and let them know how happy you are to see them.
3) Talk to them about your day and things other than your children.
4) Go on date nights at least once a month.
5) Do little things for each other.
6) Don't forget what makes the other one happy and do that for them.
7) Pray for your marriage.
8) Pray for your children.
9) Set time apart for time with children and that is their time only!!!
10) Set time apart for you and your spouse and that is yall's time! (After bed works best for those with small children.)
11) Pray with your spouse.

Believe me, these simple things will create a healthier marriage, well rounded children, and a loving, healthy home. Most importantly, keep God the center of your marriage and your household. If you let Him direct each and every relationship in your home, it will make all relationships flourish.

Until next time,

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pump, Pump, Pump It Up!

Do you have that cheer going through your head right now like I do after reading that title? No, okay. Maybe it is just me or my many years of cheering. I thought it was a clever title!

This week's post will be able the dreaded pump!! Some people have never experienced this glorious device and some of us have experienced it quite often! I get lots of questions on which ones are the best, how do you efficiently do it, etc.

1. Which pump is the best?
I personally prefer Medela pumps. However, I have only tried Medela and Ameda so I don't have a very large basis. I also like the Ameda, I just prefer the Medela because the suction is stronger and it takes less time when you have a stronger suction. According to Baby Center, the Medela "Pump in Style" (which is the one I have), "Freestyle", "Swing", and "Symphony", and Phillips Avent Comfort Manual pump is the best.  I don't know about you, but I don't want to have a manual pump, ever! Here are some pumps that The Bump suggest:
Best Pump for Working Moms: Medela Pump In Style
Most Affordable Pump: Lansinoh Affinity Pump
Most Convenient Pump: Philips Avent Comfort Pump
Most Comfortable Pump: Dr. Brown's Double Electric Pump
Best Manual Pump: Harmony Breast Pump by Medela
Best Hospital Grade Pump: Ameda Elite
Most Portable Pump: Freemie Freedom
Apparently you can just slide the cups under your bra and still pump with your bra and shirt on with the Freemie! Sounds a little harder than it is worth to me, but who knows!?

2. How often should I pump if I pump exclusively?
If you are pumping exclusively, you need to pump every 2-3 hours when your baby is first born. You should do this for the first few weeks-months. This includes night time!! You usually make the most milk between 1:00 - 5:00 a.m. So these are important! Once your baby starts moving to feeding every 3-4 hours, you can just pump when your baby eats and then feed your baby that milk in a bottle.

3. When should I pump if I am also nursing?
If you are wanting to get some extra milk to save, then pump after feedings. Whatever is left you can store. You can safely store it at room temperature for 3 hours, in a refrigerator for 3 days, in a freezer for 3 months, and in a deep freezer for about 6 months. You can also replace a nursing feed with a bottle of your pumped breast milk. Just pump about 15 minutes before feeding time.

4. How long do I need to pump for?
You should pump for about 15-20 minutes. Even if you are pumping and you think you are done, you can turn the power up a little and induce another "let down". This can help you produce more milk.

5. Does pumping increase my supply?
Yes it can. If you want it to help increase your supply, pump after every feeding for about 10 minutes. This will cause your body to think you need more milk and thus produce more milk.

6. How do I pump and work?
This one can be tricky. First talk to your boss and let them know your situation. This can be awkward but it needs to happen. Then figure out your child's schedule while you are at work. Try to pump at the same time they eat if you can. This will keep you on the same schedule and reduce pumping and bottles at home. When you pump at work, store your milk in a refrigerator or freezer and keep it for feedings for the next day or the future.

Hope this answered some pumping questions! Please feel free to ask any that I did not answer!

Until next time,