FYI- long post but wanted to share what was on my heart. This post would be the same no matter who won the presidency! Feel free to share if you agree.
I've seen a lot "What will I tell my kids?" "This is the worst night for our family." "Just let me be upset and fearful." Lots of protesting and really hurtful things happening.
Here's what I will tell my kids. Sometimes things may happen that we don't like or agree with. It is how we handle ourselves in those situations that show true character. Character is not based solely on if things go how we want them to. It's based on our reaction when things don't. It's how we handle ourselves in that situation that shows who we really are at our core.

I'll tell my kids that the Lord commands us to respect those in power over us. While I may not agree, or even like, what our leader(s) may do/say, I will respect them. Instead of talking ugly about them and bringing up all the bad things they have done (because honestly, who has a perfect track record and has never said/done something idiotic or stupid in the last 20 years), I will pray for them instead. I will choose to speak kindly of them or not speak of them at all. Because that's the kind of person I want my children to be. Because my kids need to see my actions reflect my speech. Because my kids will act how I act. Because neither Obama, Trump, or Hillary are raising my children. I AM! They will grow up with habits that I instilled in them.
I WILL NOT instill in them fear, anger, aggression, violence, etc. when things don't turn out like I feel they should have. While I may fear things of this world and leaders, my trust does not come in those leaders. The best thing I can do is pray for the Lord's wisdom to come upon those leaders. I WILL teach them love, respect, trust in the Lord, and adaptability. Because in life, you have to be able to adapt. Life isn't perfect. And we can't throw a fit every time something doesn't go our way if we want to be respected Americans and adults.
So what will I tell my children about this election and our new president? Donald Trump is our new president. Because he is in charge, we will be respectful towards him. We may not agree with things he will do in his presidency, but we won't talk ugly about him. We will learn to control our tongue. We will instead pray for him and the all the leaders of our country, like we should be doing anyway. Because if I can't (or don't) do this, my children won't either.
I don't plan on telling my children who I voted for or if I "like" Donald Trump. Because frankly, my actions should show that of a mature adult respecting those who have been in put place of authority over me. Whether I like them or not. My children should not even question it. If you don't respect authority, don't expect your kids to (including yourself).
I'll tell my kids that they can do anything and be anyone you want/choose to be. Yes a woman ran for president, and yes she lost. But that doesn't mean you don't try. And I will show them that even in the face of defeat, we can be gracious to each other. (Both Hillary and Obama's speech were very gracious!) I will tell them to be anyone they want to be. As long as they are respectful, loyal, adaptable, forgiving adults, the truth is, they can be anything they want to be. No president can teach the kinds of lessons I can teach in the home, as a parent. If I want my children to become respectable adults, that's on me! That starts in my home.
Parents, don't take your role lightly or think your actions won't matter. They do! It starts with us! Our responsibility to this next generation is huge! Let's step up, and be the kind of people our wonderful parents and their generation raised us to be!
So don't fear! Don't afraid of Donald Trump and what he "might" do. Pray for him. Pray for those around him. Because ultimately, that's all we can do. And it's the most powerful thing we can do. Be an example for the young ones around you in and outside of the home. Love each other!!! I will choose to see the good in a person rather than point out all the flaws. Because guess what, I'm flawed too! Put your trust in the One who already knew the outcome before it even happened. Put your trust in the One who holds our future in His hands. That fact alone should allow us not to worry or fear of any leader who may ever come our way, now or ever!
When hardships of any kind come your way, don't cower in fear. "....practice justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord." (Micah 6:8)