Brody did not really have diaper rashes until he was about a year old. We used the common diaper rash cream. We heard Boudreaux's Butt Paste was good so we decided to try that! We really liked it!
It worked for the slight redness Brody would get. But then he started getting worse diaper rashes once he got older. The Boudreaux's Butt Paste just was not really cutting it. We then heard about Bag Balm.
Yes, if you look closely you see a cow on the side. Yes, it is made for cow utters. BUT, it worked wonders! It is thick and does not take much at all!! (Side note: It is good for cuts, dry skin, bites, etc. as well! It is perfectly safe to use on babies and yourself.) You can get this at Wal-Mart but you have to ask for it at the pharmacy counter. They keep it behind the counter. You do not have to have a prescription to get it. If they do not have it, ask them to order it for you. It is free to get it ordered and it comes to the store within a few days. When treating a baby with a diaper rash, change them often and try to keep the area dry. Apply cream every diaper change. You can also dry a little baking soda in their bath water to help dry out the area.
These are the best remedies, in by opinion, for diaper rash. But, you need to make sure you child actually has a diaper rash. They may actually have a yeast infection if the diaper rash creams are not working. This happened to us. Brody's bottom was very red and neither one of these creams were helping AT ALL. So, we contacted a few of our doctor friends and we realized he actually had a yeast infection. Yes, babies can get a yeast infection. Kind of weird, I know. It can come from breast milk if you are on an anti-biotic, come after thrush, come if your baby has been on an anti-biotic, etc. It can also happen if their diapers are not changed often enough.
A yeast infection on your baby will have a beefy, red color. Their bottom will have slightly raised borders which are called "satellite" lesions. Their skin could also become scaly. You can also tell because your diaper rash cream will not do anything to help the rash. Yeast usually tends to hang on longer than diaper rashes. You can google "yeast infections on baby bottoms" and see some pictures to see if it resembles what your baby has. Just remember, it is google and you never know what you might get in addition to what you are looking for! Be cautious. So, what is the treatment?
To treat a yeast infection for your baby, you will need Lotrimin (jock itch cream), Triple Anti-biotic cream, and diaper rash cream or Bag Balm. You will want to make sure you keep their bottom as dry as possible. Change them as soon as you notice they are wet or dirty. Do not use wipes. If they are just wet, pat their bottom with a wet wash cloth to clean them. Here is the good part. Are you ready? If they are poopy you need to rinse them off. Yuck! I know. We went to the kitchen sink to use the sprayer every time Brody was poopy. It was the easiest and quickest way to do this. Then I had to bleach the sink after each time we "sprayed" him down. It was kind of a hassle, but it works! Do not use wipes if you can help it. Once you are done cleaning them, pat them dry with a clean, dry wash cloth. If you can, let them be "free" (naked) a little while before putting a diaper back on them.
After they are cleaned off, you want to put the Lotrimin cream on, then Triple Anti-Biotic cream, then Bag Balm (or diaper rash cream). Layer them one on top of the other and use all three every diaper change. Do this for 10 days. You should start to see a difference after a few days. If they still have a rash and it is not getting better after 10 days, take them to the doctor.
Use these in this order: (off brands work for the first two)
You can also put a cap-full of bleach in their bath water to help as well. *** Just make sure you are extra careful to keep water out of their eyes and mouth! See a doctor if you feel some bleach water may have gotten in their eyes or mouth and could harm them. Bleach in the water will help dry out the yeast.
Hope this helps with ways to help treat diaper rash and yeast infection. And to tell the difference!
Until next time!
Thank you so much for such a great article. This is really a great way to resolve a diaper rash.
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