Your baby is almost 1/2 a year old! Time sure goes by fast, doesn't it?!? There are some things you should be looking for that your baby is doing and some new things to try with them this month!
1) Recognizing Sounds: Your baby should be able to recognize sounds, their own name, and when you are talking to them. They should be able to turn their head in the direction the sound is coming. It is very important to talk to them at this age. They learn words and language best from you!
2) Emotions: Your baby's emotions should start having a wider range by now. They can let you know more when they are hungry, tired, wet, happy, etc. They are also more likely to laugh at funny faces, silly noises, etc. They may even reach for you to pick them up and give you hugs and kisses.
3) Feeding Themselves: Your baby should be able to start holding their own bottle soon. However, do not leave your baby unattended while they feed themselves at this age. They could choke on the milk or get overheated.
4) Sitting alone: Your baby may start to sit alone this month. Try letting them balance it out on their own, but be near by in case they take a tumble!
5) Stranger Danger: Your baby might start to be afraid of people they do not know. They may get anxious and cling to you. Know this is totally normal and don't be embarrassed. Try to soothe your baby and introduce them to new people slowly. Also, tell others of their anxiety and have them approach your baby slowly.
6) Tracking Toys: Your baby should be getting good at tracking toys by now. They may also go for toys they see and like. Place toys near them and let them try to get it on their own. Also, read color books to them. They are starting to see more pastels now than just the bold colors.
7) Distractions: Your baby is easily distracted. If they get upset about something, try singing a song to them or getting out their favorite toy or book. Enjoy this while it last because it won't last forever!
8) Bringing Objects Closer: Your baby should be able to rake objects closer to themselves by the end of the 5th month. Place an object near them to let them practice this skill.
9) Babble: Your baby should be babbling lots now. Many common babble sounds you will likely hear are "ma", "ba", "ga", etc. Encourage this and talk back!
To do this month: Start introducing solids! Towards the end of the month, give your baby some rice cereal. If you are nursing, mix it with breast milk. Otherwise, mix it with formula. They may not like the flavor at first but they likely will soon. They may also not get much down because they are used to sucking liquids down every meal. Be patient and realize it may take many tries for both of you to get it!
At six months, you can start giving your baby solid foods. This is fun to see what they like and don't like. Get ready for some awesome faces!
Happy 5 months of life to your sweet little one!
**Remember, every child is different. These are general milestones and babies may hit milestones at different times. Concerns to look for:
- Your baby is not reaching for objects
-Your baby is not tracking objects
-Your baby does not babble at all
-Your baby does not turn towards sounds
If you are concerned about your child and their milestones, make an appointment to see their physician so they can assess your child. **
- Your baby is not reaching for objects
-Your baby is not tracking objects
-Your baby does not babble at all
-Your baby does not turn towards sounds
If you are concerned about your child and their milestones, make an appointment to see their physician so they can assess your child. **
Until next time,
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