Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Is Baby Detergent Necessary?

One of the first things that came to my mind once I started processing being pregnant and all that it would involve was laundry. I am awful at laundry. I hate doing it. It is not hard, but it is just a hassle and I would rather clean the bathroom than do laundry. Yuck. But once I started thinking of all the laundry that a baby has, I started thinking of detergents. My sister and sister-in-law both used Dreft with their kids so I decided to check out what detergent I needed to use when washing Brody's clothes. There were several questions I asked myself and others when looking into this.
Is baby detergent necessary?
Unless your baby has an allergy, then no, it is not absolutely necessary. Baby detergent is good for babies because they have sensitive skin. However, if they are not allergic to adult detergent, it will not hurt them to use adult detergent. Adult detergent also tends to get stains out better than baby detergent.
Why do they suggest using baby detergent?
It is suggested just because your baby's skin is very sensitive when they are newborns and infants. It helps prevent break outs that could happen if you used a more powerful detergent. If your baby does have sensitive skin, baby detergent usually helps with that.
How do I know if my baby has sensitive skin?
If you are in a debate over whether or not to use baby detergent or adult detergent, do a test. Wash a few articles of your baby's clothing in adult detergent and allow your baby to wear them. If it does not bother their skin wearing those clothes, they likely will be fine without baby detergent.
Is it better for them since adult detergent has more chemicals?
The chemicals will not hurt your baby if you are just washing their clothes in them (unless they are allergic). It is only harmful if ingested, like all other household products. Keep all chemicals out of the reach of your children.
Which baby detergent is best?
Dreft, All Baby, and Purex Baby detergents are the common ones you can find at places like
Wal-Mart. They are good and are sensitive. Dreft is pretty expensive. All Baby is cheaper and does the same job. Purex is the cheapest where we live. I personally like the way Purex Baby smells the best and the way it works the best.

You can also get all-natural detergents online. Here is one website you can look at for those. 

Should I make my baby's detergent?
It is totally up to you! If you want to, there are recipes out there that are supposedly safe for babies and sensitive skin that you can try. I have never done it so I do not know that it works for sure, but I have heard great things. It is also much cheaper!

 Happy Washing!
Until next time,  

1 comment:

  1. The biggest advice I can give for sensitive skins and eczema is to avoid Dreft/Baby detergents and use All Free&Clear or Tide Free because they don't have the perfumes that Dreft, etc. do! Also, make sure to get the Bounce Free if you use fabric softeners in the dryer! (We didn't think about that one)
